The IAACC Pablo Serrano Center in Zaragoza hosts the exhibition "A false horizon" by Alberto García-Alix. Curated by Nicolás Combarro, it will be open from December 17 2020 to April 4 2021. "A false horizon" shows a photographic fable, a story of eighty images where García-Alix...

"La Movida. A chronicle of turmoil" has been inaugurated at the 50th edition of the Les Rencontres d'Arles 2019 festival. The exhibition organized by the Foto Colectania Foundation, features photographs by Alberto García-Alix, Ouka Leele, Pablo Pérez-Mínguez and Miguel Trillo. According to Foto Colectania's press...

Throughout history, museums have provided inspiration for artists who have gone to contemplate and study the works of their predecessors on display, sometimes to follow their teachings and occasionally to challenge them. In both cases, the dialogue between the artists of the past and the...

"Fierce Expressionism", a new exhibition of Alberto García-Alix, will be opening in Montevideo (Uruguay). The exhibition takes place, from November 23 (2017) to March 31 (2018), simultaneously in two spaces: Xippas Gallery and the Spanish Culture Center in Montevideo. Curated by Ricardo Ramón Jarne, this...

PHOTOESPAÑA GIVES ALBERTO GARCIA-ALIX CARTE BLANCHE TO ORGANICE 6 EXHIBITIONS The exaltation of being, A heterodox gaze     By Alberto García-Alix To paraphrase Lorca and to explain myself I will state that the sublime has no angel, it has an elf. Disconnected from reason, it nests in the guts and...

Doctors of the World celebrates its 30th anniversary with the exhibition "Mise au poing", at the Topographie de l'Art in Paris (France), from February 10th to March 18th 2017. Contemporary photographers Henk Wildschut participate in it: Henk Wildschut (Netherlands), Cédric Gerbehaye (Belgium), from France Válerie...

The book consists of two parts: the first, in matte paper, gathers images from 1975 –including the first photograph that Alberto García-Alix took during a motocross race in which his brother was taking part– to 2007; the second part of the book, on glossy paper,...

Shadows of the Wind, is a specific project done by Alberto García-Alix for MUSAC that builds a bridge between pasta and present, following the thread of tow bodies of photographic work that he tackled during the eighties and nineties. Materialized in the books Bikers and Los malheridos, los...