01 Oct Alberto García-Alix at Festival du Regard (France)
Alberto García-Alix shows his exhibition “De donde no se vuelve” at the 6th edition of Festival du Regard, which is held in Cergy-Pontoise (France) from October 1st to November 21th, 2021 and which this year has as its theme “Intimate & Autofictions”.
Curated by Sylvie Hugues and Mathilde Terraube, the exhibition takes the viewer into the intimacy of a selection of international photographers who “have taken their own lives as the common thread of their work”, among them, the Spanish photographer Alberto García-Alix.
In the words of the curators “his emblematic images, converted into a cult, represent an alternative world, marked by death and poetry, love and despair. In his work, life and photography are intimately linked in a sumptuous and disturbing dance of great visual force”.
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